3 Tips for Having a Multi-Location Honeymoon

Multi-destination honeymoons aren't the norm. Usually, a honeymoon consists of chilling by a pool and relaxing with your new spouse. However, we do things slightly differently. I had always wanted to visit California, but I couldn't think of an occasion to do so, until we got married. 

From the moment we got engaged I was planning the honeymoon before the wedding! Granted, Tom did a lot of the planning as well, to the point where, in the end, I was just tagging along for the ride, haha. It was a great trip, starting in San Francisco, onto Yosemite and then Las Vegas to see the Grand Canyon. 

We then went from there to LA and Hollywood before ending our trip in Disneyland and Carmel-By-the-Sea. If you want to learn about our honeymoon in detail, take a look at this blog post :) Anyway, you're here to learn about tips for multi-destination honeymoons, not to hear about mine! Let's dive right in :)

1. Think about the costs involved

Multi-destination honeymoons can be costly. This is where your planning should come into play. Do your research into hotels, restaurants near by and other things you plan on doing, like museums and theme parks, for instance. 

Work out all of your costs before you go so that you're not caught out financially. We even went as far as to add up all of the parking charges and resort fees we'd have to pay, as well as budgeting for petrol, hotel rooms we need to pay on departure and adding up restaurant costs to get an idea of how much food and drink is in the area. It all takes time, but it's worth it for stress-free travel. It meant we could spend away and not have to count the pennies.

2. Don't use airports, if you can help it

I know this sounds daft. Of course, you need to get on a plane to get to your destination. However, when I say to avoid airports, it's mainly because you'll have so much more fun and you'll see many more sights if you hire a car and drive to the locations yourself. 

This is where much of your planning will lie. We spent hours looking on Google Maps for times and how long it will take us to get to places from another destination. It may take more planning and commitment, but it's far better than wasting whole days in airport lounges.

3. Be open minded

There are aspects of your trip that will, despite being planned to the T, change. There were some things that happened on our honeymoon which meant we had to change times slightly, for example, but it didn't ruin our trip. 

Don't let the unexpected be a hindrance. Just work with it and go with the flow, as much as you can. During your planning phase, make sure you allocate some breathing space, leaving more time than is necessary in order to absorb the times when things go slightly wrong.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? I know there weren't many tips, but they're all you need to make sure you pull off a great multi-destination honeymoon. I will see you again very soon with some brand new content for you all!






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