15 Random Questions Tag

1) What's a nickname only your family calls you?
For a long time I was called 'Lorna Loo' but that stopped when I turned 16 xD, I don't really have a nickname anymore, although my brother (18) calls me 'Ballsie'.

2) What's a weird habit of yours?
I don't really think I have any weird habits, but I do have a habit of cracking my knuckles which my brother thinks is really strange, but I think that a lot of people do that so I don't think it's that strange really.

3) Do you have any weird phobias?
One is pretty normal, I have a fear of Spiders and Daddy Long Legs, but the other one is pretty strange, I have a phobia of those dummies or life sized models of people that you would see in museums etc. They really freak me out, especially if they're pretty old.

4) What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast and belt out when you're alone?
I love to listen to old classics, especially 'These Arms of Mine' from Dirty Dancing. I also really love and know all the words to 'Escape' by Rupert Holmes, a song which is commonly known as the 'Pina Colladas' song :)  I will leave the links below! 

5) What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
People who don't have any manners. I believe that if you bring a child up, the one thing they should learn from a very young age is manners. It's so basic and won't cost anyone a single thing. Even if you just smile back at someone, or simply say 'please' and 'thank you', it's so simple and basic manners, you aren't going out of your way to make someone happy.

6) What's one of your nervous habits? 
I'll either talk a lot or I won't talk at all, one of the two.

7) What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I have a single bed, so this question doesn't really apply to me, as a single lady, I see no point in having a double bed, it's a waste of money and bedroom space, if the time for me to buy a double bed arises, I will do so, but in the meantime, I'm very happy with my single bed. 

8) What was your first stuffed animal and what was it's name?
I was given a small Harrods teddy for my christening when I was about 2, so it's 18 years old now, I don't really remember calling it anything to be honest, but over the years it just became known as 'Ted' (very original I know xD).

9) What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
I'm not going to lie, I'm more of a Costa girl, so the drink I always order t Costa is a medium Cafe Carammela because it's delicious :)

10) What's the beauty rule you preach but never actually do yourself?
I always say to everyone to make sure their brushes are clean, or to clean them regularly, I do neither which is really bad!  

11) Which way do you face in the shower?
I always face the wall, so my face is towards the shower head, I don't know why.

12) Do you have any weird body skills?
I can fold my tongue in, but that is it I'm afraid, pretty boring right? xD

13) What's your favourite comfort food?
Some sort of pasta bake, or a jacket potato with cheese and beans.

14) What's a phrase you always say/use?
I know this is cheesy, but I always say to people to follow their dreams and to never let anyone or anything stand in the way. If you have something you want to achieve go out and do it, don't let anyone tell you that you can't or don't have it in you, that's what I always say to people who doubt their plans or are worried about their future or what people will think.

15) Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?
In the Winter, I wear a big hoodie and so lovely warm PJ bottoms, in the Summer I will probably wear a vest and PJ shorts, but during the transitional periods (Spring and Autumn), I will wear a normal T-Shirt and PJ bottoms, but I will NEVER wear socks in bed. 

That's it from me today! I will see again on Sunday with a new post for you :) If you have a blog and want to do this tag, feel free, and let know, I would love to read them!


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