My 20th Birthday | A Girly Day Out With My Mum

(The Lanes - Leicester)

So today was my actual birthday day (Saturday, although it may not come up as Saturday when I publish it because it probably would have gone midnight by then and so will show up as the 22nd instead but hey ho) I took a trip down to Leicester on the train with my Mum to check out university accommodation and also to just get a general feel of the town. I really enjoyed myself.

We even did a cheeky bit of shopping and had a delicious lunch by the canal while we were watching the university rowing team train which was really exciting. I'm not going to talk you through the whole thing, but I will leave you with some photos that I took throughout the day so I hope you enjoy that format :)

Soar Point Pub (by the canal) for a Spot of Lunch

A Look Around the Town

(a building near The Lanes)

(Leicester Cathedral where Richard III will be reburied tomorrow, 22/03/15)

Going Home & Spending the Evening with my Family

(Me on the train back to Nottingham)

Instead of a birthday cake I opted for lot of little ones and they were all freshly baked that day, my Dad got them while me and Mum were in Leicester, isn't he lovely? :D 

I hope you enjoyed that spate of blog posts! I wanted to get them up all in one day and nearly succeeded because as I write this it is currently 17 minutes past 12 at night and I'm knackered! I will see you again soon with a brand new blog post for you :) I won't do a blog post about the items I recieved as gifts because I would like to keep some more personal things private, however I will be doing a blog post on one thing which I think is just beautiful, so stay tuned for that tomorrow evening (Sunday). See you then! 


I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


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