My 20th Birthday | Three Top Present Picks

 I know I said in my last post that I was only going to show you one present, but I couldn't just pick one, so instead I rounded it up to three of my very favourite favourites xD (if that makes sense!). I had a wonderful birthday filled with love, family and friends and I am so lucky to have people I love come and share my birthday with me. I am extremely grateful for everything I received from family and friends, and if it isn't featured in this post, don't worry because I loved everything :) 

I did get other things which were more practical for Uni, such as a bug catcher (which I asked for xD), some beautiful towels, and an A-Z of Leicester (which I also put on my wishlist). I also got a gorgeous pair of leather shoes, a True Blood perfume, and a hoodie with the university I'm going to in September. I also received some more personal items such as photographs in lovely frames and a gorgeous photo album my friend put together for me! If you know me well, then you'll know I'm a very sentimental person and so to receive things like photos and gorgeous birthday cards is just amazing and I will treasure them for years to come :)

My Mum and Dad also got me some lovely tops and a luxurious scarf from a brand called Linear which can be found in The House of Fraser. if you saw Breaking Bad, then you'll remember Saul Goodman, you know, "Better Call Saul"? I got a mug with that slogan on and I think it's the most amazing mug ever :D 

Anyway so on to my top picks :)

Roberts FM/DAB Digital Radio (Duck Egg Blue)


Isn't it beautiful? I've had it on my list of things to save up for for some time now, nearing on two to three years! The colour is perfect and I think it's the most gorgeous looking radio I have ever seen (of course I'm bias xD). My radio isn't just battery operated, I can plug it into the wall as well, I have the option to do both which makes for great, quick and easy transport :) Overall I'm in love with it, it's so sophisticated and very pretty, it's right up my street! Such great quality sound and very easy to use, it's an amazing piece of equipment and I recommend, if you love vintage style or inspired things, to pop it on a list of things to save up for, or even place it on a birthday wishlist, it's a great make of radio as well so you can't really go wrong with the quality :) 

This is what it looks like on my bedside table... :)

Daisy Dream Marc Jacobs Perfume (100ml)


I have built up quite the collection of Daisy perfumes, some are so similar that its barely worth buying the new releases, however this one was incredible, from the moment I smelt it in Debenhams, I knew I had to have it on dressing table as soon as possible, again it was something I was going to put birthday money towards, but was so surprised to receive it when I opened the present. It's an amazing every day scent, it's fresh, but also floral at the same time, very different to the original Daisy perfume and also very different to Daisy Eu So Fresh (I have both and so am able to make the comparison). It's a must have if you're a collector of the Daisy perfume collection and the bottle is simply gorgeous :)

Sterling Silver Two Coin Necklace

I mentioned to my mum how much I love these necklaces some time agao, probably when Holly was still hosting This Morning on ITV. But I had no idea where to get one from, so when Primark brought out their own variation of the same necklace I was on it, but mine was gold and to be honest, I prefer silver jewellery to gold, so I told my mum I would one day like to get a real silver version and she obviously took note and bought this for me. It's 100% sterling silver and is pretty heavy. I love the design of the two coins, they're so intricate and very pretty, the detailing is incredible and I still cna't believe my wonderful mother found one. I believe she bought it from an individual jewellers in Leicester, so I can't tell you where she go it from, but believe it or not, you can purchase them on Amazon :) 

So that's it for my top present picks! Which was your favourite? Are any on your own personal wishlist or on your list of things to save up for? Let me know :) Check out my links below and I will see you again, as normal, on Wednesday :) X


I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


  1. Love the radio, really want one of my own someday, it's just so pretty!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I'm sure you'll have a Roberts one day! I had nearly saved up for one before I got this for my birthday, so it was a lovely surprise 😊 I will check out your blog too! Have a nice day! X


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