My Signature Honeymoon Scent | Marc Jacobs 'Daisy Love'

You may or may not know that I got married in the spring of this year (read about the day here), followed by an amazing honeymoon a couple of weeks later. We went to California, doing a road trip from San Francisco, right through LA and Hollywood, stopping off at Disneyland, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon along the way. You can read all about my honeymoon ventures here if you'd like! It'll give you some idea of the setting and what we got up to while we were there.

But anyway, let's talk about the Marc Jacobs 'Daisy Love' perfume that I took with me on our honeymoon. Firstly, I was looking for a new perfume that I wouldn't ordinarily wear because I wanted a scent that I could associate our honeymoon with. I had tried a few of the Marc Jacobs scents out in the shop, but I wanted one that I hadn't had before, and this one stuck out to me.

It has a lovely light floral scent that's perfect for all weathers and for all occasions. It was also just the right size if you're looking to travel with it. Of course, it didn't go into my hand luggage, I secured it well in my suitcase. Some perfume bottles are ridiculous for what they are in terms of size and also design. This perfume bottle was simple and convenient to travel with, which also sold it to me. 

But I'd recommend this scent if you're looking for something new for the summer season but aren't sure about which Marc Jacobs perfume to buy. There are so many and I was still tempted by the original Daisy perfume, but I opted for something completely different instead and I'm glad that I did. So if you're wanting a fresh scent for summer, then this is the one you should try!

Shop the Perfume


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below what your signature honeymoon scent was and I'll see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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