Rise & Shine | How to be a Morning Person

This somehow links to a previous blog post I did about how to get a better night's sleep, so you may want to give that a read as well if you find it difficult to get to sleep at night, which makes mornings even harder. But if you don't need tips on how to sleep as sound as a baby, but hate mornings as much as I do, then carry on reading. I'm going to tell you about how I cope with early mornings! Enjoy :)

If You're Tired, Go To Bed!

Simple enough right? But believe it or not, it needs saying. These days, there are far too many of us who don't get enough sleep before a busy working day. It's important that you get your full 40 winks before that budget meeting at 6am or your 9am lecture. Not getting enough sleep has been proven to worsen one's memory, can lead to a decrease in concentration as well as making it more likely that you'll put on weight due to metabolism changes. Not only can lack of sleep cause physical deteriorations, it can also lead to effecting mental stability, contributing to high stress levels. Basically, not enough sleep is bad for you. You'll feel the benefits of an early night a lot quicker than you think, it's worth missing the 10 O'clock news for!

No Gadgets Before Going To Sleep

I touched on the importance of this in the post where I talked about how to get a better night's sleep. The back lights on your laptop, phone or tablet can affect the quality of your sleep. I know how easy it is to stay up binge watching episodes of Friends on Netflix, or to spend the last half an hour of your day on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. But you need to train your brain to associate your bed with sleeping. I'm not saying to lave your phone in another room, you may need it for an alarm for example, so don't banish your gadgets completely, just don't make it the last thing you do before you finally hit the hay! You'll wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed. You may even find, if you suffer from tiredness headaches, they somewhat dissipate over a short period of time.

Set ONE Alarm & Stick To It

It's so easy to just set up a number of alarms to go off throughout the morning. The first one usually allows you enough time to get up, showered, dressed, eat breakfast and be in the office by 9am all without rushing about, but five alarms down the line, you're having to skip a shower and breakfast, so you end up eating a stale cereal bar having just realised you have odd shoes on. It's happened to the best of us, but just set one, realistic alarm and most likely, you'll honour it.

Engage In Exercise

I know this isn't always feasible in the morning, especially if you've got kids to get to school or you're a student and it was an Ugly Shirts Fresher's themed social the night before and now you're walking around your flat with a pair of sunglasses on, praying you don't get a whiff of that cheap wine you left in your coffee mug last night. But trust me, exercising will make you feel so much better both inside and out. It may well be the last thing you want to do when you're tired, but it will wake you up and get you motivated for the day ahead. 

Exercise doesn't necessarily have to mean the gym either, there are plenty of fun, free ways to get some exercise, walk the dog, or go shopping with the girls, the amount of steps you'll do throughout your trip will very quickly add up so before you know it, you've walked 3K! You could even find some quick, 5/10 minute tutorials on YouTube, these videos are brilliant and they're also free to watch. You don't have any excuses now ;)

Draw Your Curtains ASAP

This is possibly one of the simplest steps to follow throughout this whole post. Exposure to natural light alerts your brain that its the daytime and therefore, it's time to wake up. You're a lot less likely to fall sleep again so soon after rising from the sack. It puts you in the right frame of mind for the day. Maybe even open a window too and let some fresh air roll in, this is also good for airing out your bedroom and your mattress after spending 7 hours snug as a bug in a rug.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I will see you very soon for another. Have a fantastic day :)






  1. These are some great tips and number one is especially important. I definitely do this but I see fsmily members stay up late until to fall asleep on the sofa in front of a laptop/phone/TV.

    I try to put down electronic devices and set my alarm on my phone an hour before bedtime. I have two alarms, one for getting up and one to tell me when I need to leave the house - I don't own a watch so it reminds me what the time is. đŸ˜… I feel daft putting that lol.

    Kim | http://chimmyville.co.uk

    1. Don't worry, that isn't daft at all! That's such a good idea, setting an alarm to tell you when to leave the house. I often lose track of time when I'm getting ready or rushing about in preparation to leave the house. So I'll be sure to do that more often! Once again, thank you for all of your comments on here, I really appreciate the support you have given both me and my blog! I'll be following yours and enjoying more of your wonderful content :)

      Lorna X


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