Top 4 Tips for a Clutter-Free Life

De cluttering has always been on of those chores everyone hates and dreads doing. It gets put off and off until your house looks like something out of an episode of Hoarders...ok, maybe not that extreme, but probably a lot more cluttered than you would probably like it to be. So here are four quick, easy tips to help get your house in shape.

Get into the Clutter Free Mindset

Clearing out can sometimes seem like a daunting task, especially if you have a lot that you feels needs to go. But in order to properly detach yourself from anything you're wanting to get rid of, then you need rewire your brain and make it something fun and satisfying to do, rather than something you dread.

After every clear out I have, I always feel a sense of achievement for one and its also wholly satisfying when I open a once filled draw to find it virtually empty. When you've de-cluttered once, you'll want to do it again purely for the satisfaction that comes along with it. It's a healthy habit, but don't go toooo minimalist or you'll have nothing left to wear for that office Christmas do.

Start Small

Like I've already said, it can be a very daunting task when you look in your three door wardrobe and you physically can't fit another thing in there. In the back of your mind, you know you should have a cull of things you just will not wear, but the thought of going through that huge wardrobe has completely put you off doing it.

The key to overcoming this one, it to tackle it in sections or chunks. If it is a three door, packed out, clothes sticking out the side of the doors, wardrobe, then start with the smallest section and cull the T-Shirts to begin with, or shirts, skirts or dresses. Do it in chunks, but not all at once because it could seem like the impossible task and you'll never get it done.

Do I Really Need This?

When it comes to throwing things away, think about whether or not you really need it. Would it really impact your life that much if it was no longer in your possession? If the answer is no, then get rid. Simple right?

Out with the Old & in with the New

This is a pretty good way of keeping on top of your hoarding habits. If you buy three new shirts, a pair of jeans and some boots, then go home and pick out three shirts, a pair of jeans and a pair of boots to get rid of. Yes, you're just replacing one thing with another, so you're not really losing anything in that big ol' wardrobe of yours, but it's better than buying five new things and keeping the five old things as well. That's how a wardrobe an become completely over filled.


Don't just apply these tips to wardrobe clearing, apply them to everything in your house, anything from the books in your living room to the dreaded junk drawer in your kitchen, adopt these simple hints and tips and your house will be in order in no time!


I will see you next time with a brand new blog post for you :)






  1. Ahh I love this girl!! Every now and again I just have to have a got old clear out! I feel so much better afterwards, and once you get started it can actually be kind of fun, or maybe that is just me, haha!! xx

    1. Thank you! I find it oddly satisfying to organise and have a general clean out! I think it's pretty therapeutic :) So don't you worry, it isn't just you! Xx

  2. Great post. I often have a clear out of things I don't need or use anymore and find it very theraputic to do so.
    Kim |


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