5 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep

We live in a very busy, hectic world. Sometimes the stresses of life can have a negative impact on a lot of things we do, sleep being no exception. I must admit, I'm not the best at getting to sleep early, which is a big part of waking up the next day feeling refreshed, but there are loads of other things you can do which will help you get the best quality sleep possible and that is what this post is all about!

The Bedroom

The environment in which you sleep can massively effect both you getting to sleep in the first place and also whether or not you actually stay asleep throughout the night. Firstly, keep it as dark as possible. Draw the curtains, if the curtains are too thin, get new, better quality ones, or invest in a blind to try and completely black out the room. Another thing to do is keep your bedroom tidy. If you go to sleep knowing that your life is in order clutter wise, then you'll sleep a lot better. Tidy house, tidy mind. You'll be amazed at how much mess can effect your mental state, it helps with everything, from studying to sleep, its so simple yet so impactful.

Another thing to do is to drown out noise pollution. Try not and have anything on or playing in the background, unless you listen to soothing whale music that will stop playing by itself in three minutes, then turn off the radio, don't fall asleep watching the telly either. If the neighbour's dog is barking at 11pm, make sure you shut your window to help dull the sound. The quiet will stop your brain getting distracted by things and you'll be more likely to fall asleep a lot faster. Possibly the most important one, don't use any gadgets before bed

If your go-to bedtime is 11pm, make sure you put your phone/iPad/laptops down no later than 10pm. The back lighting is noticeably bright, brighter than what your eyes should be subjected to an hour before bed. It's better to just have a technology free hour before bed, it can help reduce tiredness in the eyes, something a lot of people suffer with, even after an eight hour kip.

Your Lifestyle

I've already mentioned this, but limit gadget use. We've been through why in the previous tip so I won't bore you with it again ;). One that your average wine drinker may well have a problem with, don't drink alcohol before going to bed. not only could you end up with a headache, but it also disrupts your sleep cycle. Yes, it can help you get into a deep sleep incredibly fast, which is why most people have a cheeky glass of red before bed, but it means, as the night progresses, you'll spend less and less time in REM sleep and more time in the more restless stage. So essentially, it's a bit backwards. You're meant to fall into that deep sleep gradually throughout the night, not drop straight into it as soon as your head hits the pillow.

One that students might not be so happy about, don't nap during the day. Just like with Jet Lag, its the worst possible idea to sleep when you feel tired throughout the day. Doing this can effect you falling asleep when it's finally time to hit the sack. So because you're not tired when you should be, you end up going to bed later and later and it becomes a vicious circle. So napping during the day seems like a good idea at the time, but I don't recommend it. This one is pretty simple, have a night time routine. It can help you get into the mindset of going to sleep. If you do something you only do before bed, you're prepping your brain for sleep and you'll drop off a lot more easily. 


We've already discussed avoiding alcohol and the reason why that one is so important. But it's also imperative to avoid caffeine at least three hours before bed. Caffeine is a stimulant and will more than likely prevent you from falling asleep when you'd like to. Also stay away from sugary food, not only is it bad for your teeth, but it can also keep you awake believe it or not. Sugar can make you go from run down and tired to awake and maybe a little hyper. Not really what you want before you drop off to the land of nod.


It's important for everyone to have between 30 minutes and an hour of exercise everyday. This doesn't necessarily mean you should join a gym or a fitness class, it just means perhaps walking to work instead of driving or cycling to the shops instead of driving to them. Walk the dog twice a day instead of once a day for example. Being active, even if you walk around the centre of town, shopping for a few hours, it's still exercise that you may not really count as exercise. this one is super easy to do, there's not excuse for staying sat down all day, no matter how busy you say you are.

Relax Before Bed

Listen to calming music. Nothing on a loop though as you shouldn't sleep with noise in the background, or constant noise at least. There are loads of different apps you can download which will provide you with loads of soothing sounds, from whale noises to ran tapping on a window, there's something out there for everyone. YouTube would also be a good one try if you don't feel the need for an app. Something else to do is breathing exercises. Breathing deep, in through the nose and out through the mouth and with your eyes shut. If you want some more specific exercises, give YouTube a try for specific breathing exercises you can try. 

Relaxing before bed, doesn't mean 'relax' on Instagram or Twitter, or even Netflix. Read a book, do a face mask, have a few minutes to pamper yourself before bedtime. This will be the third time I've said it now, but don't use any gadgets at least an hour before snuggling up in your fluffy duvet and duck feather pillows. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post and you took something from it. Let me know if you try anything and if it actually did help you get a good night's sleep. See you next time guys!






  1. These are some great tips - I've worked hard to get a better evening routine and to relax before I go to bed. It's a work in progress but I do find I sleep better when I stick to it.

  2. Great tips! I've been trying to get a better evening routine and make sure I put my phone away at least half an hour before I go to bed! It also goes on to mute, not vibrate for the night.

    I find using lavender scented products or having a nice bubble bath before bed helps me have a good night's sleep.

    1. I totally agree with not using phones etc before it's time to hit the hay. Muting your phone is such a good idea, mine is always on vibrate, I'll definitely start doing that from now on. Using Lavender scented products is such a good idea! I've never really thought of that before, another thing to add to the list :) Thank you for your comments!

      Lorna X


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