10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week

You guys seem to love these posts, I love reading them too, I think it helps me to feel positive about the small things that you don't necessarily think about day to day, but that you're grateful for. So lets get into it!

1) I Feel Better About My Driving

I am 23 years old and that's when I decided I wanted to learn how to drive. For a long time, I thought I was rubbish at it. It looks like the easiest thing in the world and everyone can do it, but for a while it felt like I was the only one in the world who was rubbish at it and I began to dread every single driving lesson. But after about ten weeks of lessons and being insured on my mum's car, I finally feel as though I have the driving thing down and I'm really quite proud of myself. Not a big thing, but for me, I never thought I'd be ok with it.

2) Summer is Nearing an End

I know what you're thinking, but Lorna, Summer is the best season ever! Well you may think so, I however cannot stand the heat. I cannot wait for Autumn and Winter (there we go, I said it), so when the summer heat died down and the wind suddenly blew a lot cooler, I was very happy! I could finally wear jeans again :)

3) Drinking More Water

I have always been one who loves an ice cold glass of Diet Coke, but for the last few months, I've steered myself away from my favourite beverage. So why is that making me happy? I feel healthier for it to be honest. I noticed a difference in my skin, I was no longer getting heartburn and I don't constantly feel bloated. Which makes you realise that actually, Diet Coke is really bad for you, sugar or no sugar.

4) Writing More Blog Posts

If you follow me, you'll know I took a break on the blogging front while I finished, and then recovered from my degree. But after having a long break, I'm finally back into it and I'm loving it. I have never felt so inspired to sit and write posts and snap some photographs. I spent an entire Saturday writing six different blog posts. I am pretty pleased with myself, I hope you've been enjoying them as much as I have enjoyed creating them!

5) Avocados

I love Avocados, they're just so yummy and you can eat them with everything, or even on their own. I don't know why, but there's just something about an Avocado that I just can't resist. This week, I've been loving them in sandwiches, packed in with other good things. Gotta love an Avo.

6) Annie's Burger Shack with my Family

By brother has recently come back from university in Wales and we miss him so much when he isn't around, so now that he is, we try and do things together as a family. That includes eating together. Seeing as my family had never been to Annie's Burger Shack before, we thought we'd give it a try, my brother included. We all sat down, and from the moment drinks were ordered, we were all chatting together, talking about life in general, having a few laughs and just making great memories. It was such a lovely evening.

7) Dinner & Dessert with my Fave

My boyfriend and I have a date night every Thursday, pretty much anyway, where we go out for dinner and just chill out afterwards in front of the telly, nothing strenuous, but its nice for us to have time on our own to catch up and talk to each other about pretty much anything. This week, we went to Pizza Express and had a really lovely time in each other's company. Afterwards, for dessert, we bought a McFlurry and ate it in the car, whilst chatting and having some general Boyfriend/Girlfriend banter. It was so simple but such a fun night and we really enjoyed ourselves.

8) Instagram Stories

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know how much I love to use Instagram stories. But then who doesn't use it now? I wasn't sure about it at first, but the more I saw other people using it, the more I wanted to get in on the party and now I just can't enough.

9) My Vinyl Obsession

I have been absolutely loving my record player recently. I go through phases where it's the only thing I'll listen to, or I won't use it for weeks. This week has been one where I have literally listened to nothing else, not even my beloved Robert's Radio. Specifically Ed Sheeran and the Greatest Showman!

10) Rain

Bringing it back to being weather related. I am so happy that it started to rain. Mainly because our grass was looking very sorry for itself and secondly it makes me excited for the Autumn season to start! It made me feel so cosy as well, a feel I absolutely love!


I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon (sooner than you probably think given how many blog posts I have in the pipe line) so stay tuned, you can keep up to date by following me on Twitter or Instagram, links below! :)






  1. I love vinyl and have a small but growing collection myself. Also very glad the heat wave is over now! It was getting too much but at least we can say we've had a proper Summer this year, but I'm more than ready for Autumn.


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