Strawberry Santas | Twelve Days of Christmas (Day 7)

I got this idea from when I was a child, when I was about 6 we had one day just before we broke up for Christmas where we all made different kinds of Christmassy foods. Mainly simple things like decorating a plain Yule Log or pipe icing a snowman or snowflake onto a digestive biscuit. But in and amongst those things, we also made these, they're called 'Strawberry Santas' and they're super cute. So when I was thinking about and planning festive posts for the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' series I'm doing right now, I remember this and I thought it would be so quick, simple and safe in regards to the fact that no cooking is involved, so it would be perfect to do with your children, as long as you cut the strawberries in half in preparation for them so they don't get their hands on any bladed objects.

Let me show you what you need and how I made them :)


*A Punnet of strawberries
*A can of whipped cream (preferably double)
*Some black tube icing (or chocolate sprinkles)

PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you leave the cream in the fridge for a few hours before attempting to do this, it needs to be thick enough that it won't melt and ruin your little design. If the cream still doesn't cooperate, perhaps switch to butter icing, although it probably won't taste as nice. Also, try and keep the strawberries in the fridge as well so they're not room temperature when you put the cream on, otherwise, it will make the cream melt.

Firstly, you want to cut the top off your strawberry...

Then, turn it upside down so the pointed end of the strawberry is facing up, and slice that off as well, make sure you keep the two parts together because you'll need the other bit later...

You now want to remove it's little lid and spray some cream in the centre, don't put too much on, but don't be stingy with it either, perhaps make the cream a height of 1cm.

Once you've done that, pop the other part of the strawberry that you cut off earlier, back on top...

You now want to pipe on two little eyes, I went for long ones, I know it looks a bit creepy, but it was proving difficult to pipe on black dots, especially with cream. Alternatively, you could place a chocolate sprinkle of each side.

And now you're done, these would be ideal for a kid's Christmas party, or even just a little family Christmas get together, they're novel, cute, easy to make AND Christmassy, the ultimate combo. Give them a try, and let me know how you got on :)
I hope you enjoyed day 7 of my 'Twelve days of Christmas' series, I'll see you tomorrow with a brand new festive post for you all!
PREVIOUS BLOG POST: TDOC Day 6: 'Making Mince Pies'


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